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Unlocking our best human qualities through the transformative power of compassion.

Our Mission

Our mission is to advance compassion as a guiding principle and active force to foster a more caring world.

Compassion is a bridge. Your gift today can be the bridge between someone’s suffering and their well-being.

Lakiba Pittman, MA CCT Senior Teacher
Lakiba Pittman, MA CCT Senior Teacher

A Discussion on Compassion & Racial Equity

Wednesday, February 19th, 2025 @ 7:30 Pacific Time

Join us for a one hour FREE event focused on discussing the overlap of compassion and racial equity. Racial equity is defined as when people of all races and ethnicities are treated in an egalitarian manner. How can creating a more compassionate world lead to increased racial equity? What is the difference between racial equity and racial equality? How can you have compassion for people with different ideologies than you?

Maintaining Compassion during Difficult Times

Recording Available Now

How do you maintain compassion for yourself during tumultuous times? Or offer compassion to people with opposing views? How can you manage to offer compassion for communities in pain, when you yourself are suffering?

Join Founding Faculty and Compassion Cultivation Training© (CCT™) Teacher Erika Rosenberg, Ph.D. to explore how we can sustain compassion during difficult times and to participate in gentle practices for your benefit.

Erika Rosenberg, PhD, CCT Teacher

Compassion and Medicine at a Community Health Center

Thursday, May 8th, 2025 @ 3pm Pacific Time

Join us for a one hour FREE event focused on health care professionals. As health care professionals we all strive to be compassionate in our work. We also know that evidence has shown that compassion can lead to improved patient outcomes. Yet, so many external demands can get in the way. How can we remain compassionate without depleting ourselves?

Our Work

We develop and deliver programs for individuals and organizations, designed to promote personal and societal well-being.

Systems Transformation

Improving outcomes by advancing the core value of compassion throughout institutions and sector-level systems.

Law Enforcement

Resilience, compassion, and leadership training for law enforcement.


Compassion-based professional and leadership development for the health sector.


Exploring ways to bring compassion training to educators and future generations.

What is Compassion?

The strength to be with suffering and the courage to take compassionate action.

Building Compassion From the Inside Out

An online program with Thupten Jinpa, Ph.D. to support meaning, purpose and joy in your daily life.

Compassion Cultivation Training (CCT™)

Our flagship 8-week program, developed at Stanford University and taught worldwide.

CCT™ Teacher Training

A certification program for those who aspire to teach CCT™ in their community.

Compassion Cultivation Training© (CCT™)

The original 8-week course, with Amanda D. Mahoney, M.A.

Building Compassion From the Inside Out (BCFTIO)

Start your compassion journey by taking the self-paced foundational compassion course meant for everyone. Now available in English and Spanish.

Construyendo la Compasión desde Adentro Hacia Afuera

Un programa en línea de dos semanas con Thupten Jinpa, PhD. para apoyar el significado, propósito y alegría en tu vida cotidiana.

Maria Paulo Jimenez Palacio CCT Teacher Spanish Colleague

Compassion Cultivation Training© (CCT™)

Compassion Cultivation Training is an 8-week training course developed at Stanford University Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education (CCARE) by principal author and Compassion Institute Co-Founder Thupten Jinpa Ph.D with contributions from CI’s Founding Faculty. Taught by Senior CCT™ Teacher Maria Paula.

Entrenamiento en el Cultivo de la Compasion Online en Español

El Compassion Cultivation Training (CCT) es un programa de ocho semanas diseñado para desarrollar las cualidades de compasión, empatía y bondad amorosa hacia uno mismo y hacia los demás, así como la resiliencia frente al burnout emocional. Con profesora Maria Paula Jimenez Palacio. 

Maria Paulo Jimenez Palacio CCT Teacher Spanish Colleague
Heart in Hands Symbol for Compassion Cultivation Training Global Network

Find a Compassion Cultivation Training© (CCT™) Class

The original 8-week course, taught by our global network of certified CCT™ teachers in English and other languages.