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CCT™ Teacher Training Program

Become a Certified Compassion Cultivation Training (CCT™) Teacher

We are in between CCT Teacher Training cohorts.
You can find details from our 2023 cohort below.

Imagine if compassion was a celebrated value, an organizing principle of society and a driving force for change.

Thupten Jinpa, Ph.D
Compassion Institute President and Co-Founder
Principal English Translator to the Dalai Lama
Principal Author of Compassion Cultivation Training (CCT), developed at Stanford University


We are very excited to announce the Compassion Cultivation Training™ Teacher Training (“CCT Teacher Training”) for the 2023 cohort.

As a global leader in compassion training and advocacy, we develop and deliver programs for individuals, institutions, and communities designed to promote personal and societal well-being.

Why CCT Teacher Training?

Recognizing the Urgency of Compassion Now

COVID-19 and many recent societal and environmental issues further highlighted our individual and collective suffering lately. We saw a 25% increase in anxiety and depression in the global population. 52% of K-12 educators reported increased stress and burnout. 38% of health professionals experienced PTSD. The expression of suffering continues. The entire world was already desperately in need of compassion and COVID-19 pushed us to the brink, testing our resilience.

So, what can we do?

If we, as individuals and together as a global society, can take the compassionate part of our nature seriously, we have a real chance of making a more humane world. This is what the CCT Teacher Training program is for.

Meet the CCT Teacher Training Team


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Thupten Jinpa, PhD



Amanda Mahoney, MA

Lakiba Pittman, MA CCT Senior Teacher

Lakiba Pittman, MA

Maria Paulo Jimenez Palacio CCT Teacher Spanish Colleague

Maria Paula Jimenez

Philippe Goldin, Senior CCT Teacher

Philippe Goldin, PhD


Brandel France de Bravo

Burrell Poe

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Dan D’Agostino


Debora Gama Lima

GAM 2019

Greg Morris

Joshua Steinfeldt

The annual UCSF Neuro-Oncology Caregiver Retreat was held on May 18, 2019, as part of the UCSF Neuro-Oncology Gordon Murray Caregiver Program for the caregivers (including spouses, parents, and children) of UCSF Brain Tumor Center patients. This year's theme was 'Fostering Resilience Through Knowledge & Self-Compassion'. The event was held at the UCSF Parnassus campus at the UCSF Faculty Alumni House.

Mary Doane

Nanja Hansen

Sandra Sanabria, CCT Teacher Training Facilitator

Sandra Sanabria

Seona Gwon



Tori Sarris

Program Manager, Training

Miroo Kim, Certified CCT Teacher

Miroo Kim

Content Lead

Our Program

What is the CCT Teacher Training?

The CCT Teacher Training Program is a teaching certification program for individuals and organizations who are passionate about compassion education and aspire to teach CCT classes in their communities.

The training will include weekly sessions over the course of 9 months and will be conducted virtually on Zoom so that we may build a global community.

What is Special about the CCT Teacher Training?

CCT Teacher Training is the only training that covers everything about compassion extensively and intensively. CCT Teacher Training draws on insights and techniques from psychology, neuroscience, and contemplative practice.

Through the CCT Teacher Training, you will learn how to embody compassion in and outside the classroom and how to confidently & effectively teach to the audience you care about.

What Does the CCT Teacher Training Look Like?

The learning journey of the CCT Teacher Training involves three important components:

Through 33 weeks of Live Online Sessions with Compassion Institute CEO Thupten Jinpa, Founding Faculty and Senior CCT Teachers, trainees can learn the foundational knowledge of the CCT in various dimensions; from philosophy to science and application of compassion.

Trainees will learn how to facilitate and teach CCT classes via two weekend-long intensives focusing on content, facilitation skills, and practice. Trainees will receive insightful feedback from Founding Faculty, Senior CCT Teachers and Certified CCT Teachers (“Alumni Coaches”) to hone their skills and embodiment as a future teacher of CCT. After trainees complete the live sessions and practice sessions, trainees will conduct one practicum course under the guidance of an advisor to get certification. Trainees will have one year to complete their practicum after the training program ends and are expected to have taught their practicum by November 2024 in order to be considered for certification.

Throughout the program, trainees are supported and enriched by an inspiring community of peers, Compassion Institute staff, Founding Faculty and Senior Teachers, and alumni coaches. Every month, trainees will meet in their small groups called “Coaching Circle” to learn and practice together with alumni coaches. Additionally, there will be optional monthly Q&A sessions and exclusive guest speaker sessions in which we’ll invite renowned speakers for the topic of compassion.

Four Periods of Rigorous Learning Experience

The program is 33 weeks long, starting in mid April and ending in mid November in 2023. The rigorous learning experience is divided into four periods; in each period, trainees will learn different aspects of compassion and practice together.

Learn the fundamentals of the CCT and the embodiment of compassion as a teacher.

Learn the basics of CCT facilitation and practice in the Coaching Circle.

Expand the knowledge of compassion through science and enhance clarity about compassion. Explore how to consider various dimensions of diversity in CCT and learn how to adapt the teaching to different contexts.

Practice CCT facilitation in the larger cohort.

CCT™ Teacher Training Course Dates

Training Periods Weeks Session Names & Dates (all times listed in Pacific Time)

Welcome Orientation,
Wednesday April 12, 7:00 - 9:00 am PT


Module 1a: Building Compassion from the Inside Out Live Session with Thupten Jinpa, Ph.D.,
Thursday, April 20, 8:00 - 9:00 am PT

Module 1b: Settling the Mind,
Friday, April 28th 10:00 am - 12:00 pm PT

Module 2: CCT Fundamentals,
Tuesdays, May 2nd - June 20th, 9:00 - 11:00 am PT

Facilitation Practice 1

Module 3: Group Facilitation 1,
Thursdays, June 29th and July 6th, 9:00 -11:00 am PT


Practice Teaching Light in Coaching Circle,
Saturday & Sunday, July 15th & 16th, local time

Expansion & Adaptation

Module 4: Compassion in Society & Organization,
Tuesdays, July 18th - August 8th, 8:00 - 10:00 am PT


Program Break,
August 9th - August 29th


Module 5: Science of Compassion,
Wednesdays, August 30th - October 4th, 8:00 - 10:00 am PT


Module 6: Conceptual Clarity,
Exact Date & Time To Be Announced

Facilitation Practice 2

Module 7: Group Facilitation 2,
Tuesdays, October 24th & October 31st, 9:00 - 11:00 am PT


Practice Teaching Intensive,
Saturdays & Sundays, November 11th, 12th, 18th, and 19th, 7:00 am - 11:00 am PT


Cohort Closing,
Wednesday, November 22nd, 8:00 am - 9:30 am PT

Practicum Period
Trainees have one year to complete their practicum after the program ends, until November 30, 2024

Who is this Program for?

The CCT Teacher Training is for anyone with strong desire and intention to advocate for and increase compassion in their organizations and community.

We welcome applicants of varied backgrounds, perspectives, and goals, who are deeply committed to bringing compassion training to the organizations and communities they belong to. Our teacher training program is a key part of our organization and we seek applicants who will add diversity and unique perspectives to our community. We strongly encourage individuals from traditionally underrepresented communities to apply.

Although there are no formal educational requirements, you’ll need to meet the following prerequisites to apply for the program:


– Previously completed the 8-week CCT course (or sign up for the 8-week CCT course before the teacher training begins).

– Committed to maintaining a daily meditation practice.

– Prior training or certification in a similar contemplative education program (e.g. Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, Mindful Self Compassion, Search Inside Yourself, etc.) can be helpful as you learn to teach CCT, although it is not required to apply.

CCT Certified Teacher Community

Since the inaugural teacher training in 2012, over 300 teachers have been trained and certified from 27 countries. Teachers come from various professions and cultural backgrounds.

Click here to see our directory of Certified CCT teachers. And click here to see our map of where CCT Teachers live.

Applications for the 2023 Cohort have closed.

2023 Program

Application Dates

January 9, 2023

Applications open.

$75 application fee will be applied to tuition for all accepted trainees.


February 21, 2023

Applications close


March 13, 2023

Cohort acceptance notices sent

Program Dates

Academic Courses

April 12 – November 20 2023



December 23, 2023 – November 2024


$6900 USD. Practicum fee included.