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Compassion Cultivation Training with Lobsang Norbu

7 PM - 9:30 PM UTC +2

Language of Instruction
Location: In-person (Netherlands)

CCT is a multi-week personal and professional development course designed at Stanford University’s Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education and taught around the world by Certified Facilitators. The program includes practical tools and exercises designed to enhance your awareness, compassion, and resilience.

CCT will support you to improve your relationships with friends, family, clients, patients, staff, and coworkers.

You’ll walk away from each CCT class with tools and practices you can immediately put to work. CCT will help you:

  • Improve awareness
  • Increase connection to others
  • Decrease the distress you may feel in difficult situations

CCT is a two-hour weekly class that includes:

  • Large and small group discussions to share learning experiences
  • Guided meditation to improve awareness
  • Listening and communication exercises to build compassionate interactions

You’ll also have daily homework of one guided meditation per day and informal practices to try as you go about your day.


Lobsang Norbu

Norbu (Maarten de Vries) is a Buddhist monk who’s passionate about bridging the deep knowledge of the ancient contemplative traditions with the latest insights from science.


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Course Name: Compassion Cultivation Training with Lobsang Norbu