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Greetings! My wife Barbara and I live in the small town of Healdsburg, California, where we raised two children and have lived for 30+ years. I have had a regular sitting practice for about 12 years. My wife and I meditate and are part of an interesting Buddhist study group and a wonderful, small Zen Buddhist sangha in Healdsburg. The center of my life is my family: My wife Barbara (a retired attorney) and I have been married 37 years. Our daughter Ruthi, 35, (who at UCSD started a non-profit getting healthy food to poor people has a daughter (Sage Sophia) who will be five on November 20, 2020; and a son, Rayven Rio, who will be two on Oct. 21, 2020. Ruthi’s husband Soren, a computational neuroscientist, is working on a startup in artificial intelligence: a health-care personal assistant. Our son Isaac, 29, had a psychotic break about 8 years ago and has since been in and out of mental hospitals since. I am Professor Emeritus at Sonoma State University.