CCT© Teacher Directory

Elizabeth Pyjov, JD MTS holds 3 Harvard degrees, speaks 5 languages, has lived in 7 countries, and has taught over 10,000 people to meditate in the last decade in places as diverse as the New York State Supreme Court and Tibet House US.
She holds an MTS in Buddhism from Harvard Divinity School, a JD from Harvard Law School, and is currently pursuing a PhD in Psychology. She was certified in the first cohort of CCT instructors and has facilitated the 8-week Compassion Cultivation Training over 100 times.
Elizabeth creates corporate well-being and culture shift programs for places like Deutsche Bank and Novartis, and trains lawyers and judges through her organization Self-Compassion for Lawyers.
She has designed dozens of her own programs for happiness, health, peace of mind, and inner growth that she offers weekly through her virtual meditation center, Happiness Sangha.