CCT© Teacher Directory

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it and embrace them.” -Rumi.
I have been on this compassion journey for several decades now. As a partner and widow, mother of four, friend, volunteer, and retired nurse in a variety of acute care settings, I have had the opportunity and privilege to be and bring compassion in both its softer and more fierce forms to those around me. Cultivating the practice of including myself within the circle of compassion continues to be a profound gamechanger in my relationship to myself and others. Cultivating compassion is a profound and deeply meaningful and impactful lifelong work for me.
I am honored to be part of this community of teachers. I look forward to journeying with you and others in the cultivation of compassion for the suffering we each experience in our personal worlds and spheres of influence as well as in the larger world.