CCT© Teacher Directory

Hooria Jazaieri is a licensed psychotherapist and founder of a psychotherapy and consulting practice in Silicon Valley. Hooria teaches the 8-week CCT program at Stanford University’s School of Medicine as well as in her private practice in San Jose, California. She is also an accomplished scientist and teacher.
Hooria’s research at Stanford University and the University of California, Berkeley in the areas of mindfulness, compassion, emotion, and emotion regulation has been published in leading academic journals in the fields of psychology, psychiatry, and neuroscience. In addition to being a certified CCT instructor, Hooria is also a certified teacher of Search Inside Yourself (SIY), a mindfulness-based emotional intelligence program developed at Google, and an adjunct professor at Santa Clara University. For more information about Hooria’s upcoming CCT classes, mindfulness and compassion retreats, or to schedule a workshop or speaking engagement, please visit