CCT© Teacher Directory

I am Psychologist, specialised in Positive Psychology. I had my degree on 2003 and several Master’s degrees related to clinical psychology. I started practicing Mindfulness around 2011, mainly in the tradition of zen Master THich Nhat Hanh. Attended some worshops with Daniel Goleman, Siegel’s brothers, Joan Halifax, Lama Rinchen, Tim Desmond, etc, and several retreats with Thich Nhat Hanh and his monastic and lay community. Already completed the 14 mindfulness trainings also. So proud to be part of Spanish Positive Psychology board, coordinating some of their great actions to increase worldwide population well-being. I created a Positive Psychology project on 2009, and a Well-being center in 2013. We created in Madrid the 1st Couple Relationships Congress in 2016 and the 1st Positive Education Congress in 2017. Now so happy of becoming part of this very special familly of CCT Teachers, with a warm hope of spreading compassion wisdom anywhere it is needed.