CCT© Teacher Directory

Judy Long is a palliative care chaplain with UCSF’s Symptom Management Service and UCSF’s Parkinson’s Disease Supportive Care Clinic. She provides interfaith spiritual care with a deep commitment to care for caregivers, both family members and clinicians, that grew out of her experience as a hospital and hospice chaplain as well as facilitating grief and family caregiver support groups. As a chaplain and educator, she provides evidence-based training in balanced resilience to make caregiving sustainable and reduce burnout.
Judy is a certified senior teacher of CCT through Compassion Institute and CCARE at Stanford Medical School, a trained teacher of Mindful Self-Compassion and Mindfulness-Based Emotional Balance through the Center for Mindfulness at UCSD Health. She also teaches the G.R.A.C.E. protocol, developed by Roshi Joan Halifax, PhD, to train clinicians and caregivers in compassion and resilience, as well as UMass Medical Center’s Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction program.”