CCT© Teacher Directory

Lorraine M. Hobbs, M.A., is Director of Family Programs at the UCSD San Diego Center for Mindfulness. She is a family therapist and former clinical director of adolescent treatment programs. Lorraine is a certified MBSR teacher, a certified MSC (Mindful Self-Compassion) teacher, and is certified in CCARE (Compassion Cultivation, Altruism, Research & Education), Lorraine offers mindfulness and compassion-based interventions through the department of Integrative medicine and community based hospitals in Indiana & Ohio and teaches at the UCSD Center for Mindfulness. She developed and implemented curricula in mindfulness-based interventions for multiple age groups, including a program in Mindful & Compassionate Parenting. She is a pioneer in self-compassion training for parents and teens and is co-author of Making Friends with Yourself: A Mindful Self-Compassion Program for Teens & Young Adults.