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Robert Cusick trained at Stanford and is a Certified CCT (Compassion Cultivation Training) Instructor. He teaches at Stanford, UCSF, Kaiser Permanente Medical Center and in multiple other venues. As a long-time meditator and former monk, he ordained in Burma under the renowned meditation master, Ven. Pa Auk Sayadaw, and studied with him from 2003-2012.
He studied in the Soto Zen tradition in residence at Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, in the Ridhwan School’s Diamond Approach with A. H. Almaas (Hameed Ali), & at Sprit Rock Meditation Center with Gil Fronsdal PhD, Jack Kornfield PhD, & others. He co-leads men’s grief groups & facilitates retreats for fathers grieving the death of a child at Kara,, in Palo Alto, CA where he serves as an Educational Consultant directing, teaching & co-facilitating trainings for Kara’s Caregivers Forums & Adult Services Program. He sits on the Board of Directors of the Sati Center for Buddhist Studies,