CCT© Teacher Directory

Dr. Spree MacDonald’s work focuses developing compassion-cultivation and mindfulness programming in schools and educational organizations. Currently the Head of Upper School at Bosque School in Albuquerque, Spree is a career teacher and school administrator, with experience at all levels, public and private. Spree began his career in education as a Peace Corps Volunteer in South Africa, assisting a network of schools to transform their teaching practices after the end of apartheid. For many years afterwards, he was a teacher and administrator in public and independent schools in Louisiana, with a focus on social justice and the humanities. Through his work in these areas, he was first exposed to CCT by Lara Naughton, and her work developing CCT programs with men at Angola Prison and other communities in Louisiana. Spree is also an award-winning poet, and author of the full-length poetry collection Konkababy (2019) and the poetry chapbook Milksop Codicil (2016).